Market Garden
Once mounds of rubble, tarmac and thistles, the Crofters (supporters/growers/staff and volunteers alike) have given their time and care in nurturing it back to health and abundance.
Market Garden Produce
All of the fresh produce from our Market Garden goes directly into our Hingabootery Cafe & Farm Shop - locally grown food for local consumption! Zero. Food. Miles.
Our market garden offers training, volunteering and employment opportunities. Find out more about volunteering with us here.
History of the Market Garden
Cleared many thistles & planted fruit and nut trees in the Forest Garden
2017- Tom began digging beds in the Market Garden, allowing space to grow soft fruit and begin our fruit tree nursery. We later dug our demo plot where practical gardening classes were later to be delivered.
The remaining Market Garden beds were dug over the years, increasing the number of vegetables grown, year on year until 2020/2021 when we were able to grow and successfully harvest around 600kg of fresh produce.
Community Garden Plots
Interested in Food Growing? Sign up to join the Waiting List to become a Grower and have your own dedicated growing space on the Croft! Find out more about Membership here.
*Please note, you must purchase a Supporter Membership and tick in the application form that you wish to join the waiting list. You will then be contacted by a member of the Earth in Common team when a plot becomes available.
The Market Garden and the Forest Garden are labours of love.