Loss and Damage Fund
When you sign up to an Leith Community Croft group membership:
20% of your membership fee will go directly into a pot of money to support two of our partner projects in Malawi – our own loss and damages pot.
£3000 goes a long way to supporting communities in Malawi. In creating this fund Earth in Common, are in a small way of supporting those in the global south who are most affected by climate change.
Beneficiaries to our loss and damages pot
Living Trees of Livingstonia held in the Rumphi District in the north of Malawi,
Mother Elizabeth Organic Farm, an agricultural training institution, in the Vwaza Marsh area of the same district.
Read more about this project work below
Also see a newsletter feature from the Banana Box Trust, written by our trustee Alan Laverock who has recently been visiting Malawi. It details some further collaboration aspirations between Earth in Common and the schools projects that we partner with.
What exactly is Loss and Damage?
"The term “loss and damage” (small “l” and “d”) is used to describe the manifestation of climate change impacts which are not or cannot be avoided by adaptation and mitigation efforts (i.e. reducing emissions).
Whereas “Loss and Damage” (big “L” and “D”) is used to describe the policies and plans that are used to address loss and damage, such as those that are negotiated at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Loss and Damage falls along a spectrum which begins with mitigating climate change, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, then progresses to adapting to the impacts of climate change, and finally to addressing loss and damage from those climate change impacts that are unavoided or unavoidable." - www.lossanddamagecollaboration.org/whatislossanddamage