Make a Donation
We Need Your Help
Our team work incredibly hard but due to very challenging circumstances we have reached a tricky point in the charity's existence at which funding is a major issue.
You may look at us and think we're floating along seamlessly due to the securing of the new pavilion as part of the Nourishing Leith Project. However, discrete pots of funding such as this one are only one part of the jigsaw to our operation, and the construction work made it impossible to host many of our usual initiatives and fundraising activities. This included our Hingabootery café, which we all know and love.
Like so many charities, we face short-term funding challenges that mean sometimes we’re up against a ‘hunger gap’ affecting our staffing capacity. The funding environment is especially competitive in these post-Brexit, post-pandemic days, and our reality is that we are struggling to cover our core operational costs. With the best will in the world, our ambitious project to create a thriving model urban croft, serving the community in multiple ways, could be put on hold while we are still developing our social enterprises and waiting for funding decisions to come in
This is why, in order to keep our charity running day-to-day, and hold our fantastic and knowledgeable team together, we need your help. 💛
We know how much the Croft and Earth in Common mean to you all, and we’d really love to have your support in reaching our goals. Together, we can do it!​
Will You Join Our Fundraising Efforts?
Spring for the Croft!
Our 'SPRING FOR THE CROFT' campaign was set up to help people reconnect with nature, to bring people together and move their bodies to give a boost of spring vitality and celebrate, and to raise funds for our charity in these difficult economic times.
We've listed some examples of what you could do to fundraise for us (though the world is your oyster...):
Could you...walk/skip/hulahoop/prance/swim/cycle/hopscotch for a good length of time every day (perhaps 30 minutes?), and ask people to sponsor you for every minute you do?
Could you get your pals or community group together and arrange a fancy dress parade where you spend the day dressed up as flowers/vegetables/bees etc?
What Does Your Money Go Towards?
We have listed some examples below of what desperately needed resources/infrastructure various donations could provide our community with.
Your donations really do go a long way 💚
MineCroft sessions - £15 per child per session
Market Garden seed buying - £300 per season
Compost - £60 supplies the Market Garden with compost for a month
Tools & Tool Maintenance - £525 per season
Building two large timber raised beds that will last 15+ years - £900
Resources for running a year’s programme of environmental community education sessions - £3,000
One member of Croft Food Hub staff manning our Community Café for a day - £100
Every single pound helps us keep our dreams alive and thriving, moving day by day closer to a more resilient future.